Impact of acne vulgaris on the quality of life among adult acne patients in Brunei Darussalam
Jian Yu LEI 1, Susanne Alexander PULIMOOD 2, Fazean Irdayati IDRIS 1
1 Pengiran Anak Puteri Rasidah Sa’adatul Bolkiah (PAPRSB), Institute of Health Sciences, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, 2 Department of Dermatology, Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha (RIPAS) Hospital, Brunei Darussalam
Introduction. Acne vulgaris is a common skin disease which can have a significant negative impact on the patient’s life, physically and psychologically. This study aimed to determine the quality of life (QoL) of patients with acne in Brunei Darussalam, the association of severity of acne and severity of scarring with QoL. In addition, this study compared the QoL and acne severity between male and female acne patients. Materials and Methods. This was a prospective cross-sectional study consisting of 50 adult acne patients, from the Dermatology clinic in Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha Hospital, Brunei Darussalam. Participants completed the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), an assessment on their QoL related to acne. Their acne severity was assessed using the Global Acne Grading System (GAGS) and for acne scar grading with the Goodman & Baron qualitative acne scar grading system. Results. Study findings showed that 84% of the acne patients have affected QoL with a mean DLQI score of 6.7, which corresponds to a moderate impairment of QoL. There was a weak correlation between acne severity and QoL (r=0.28, P=0.049). There was no significant association between acne scars grading and QoL (P=0.082), acne severity in relation to gender (P=0.525) and the QoL between male and female acne patients (P=0.132). A weak correlation was found between QoL and duration of acne (r=0.30, P=0.033). Conclusion: Most acne patients were, to different degrees affected in their QoL by the presence of acne. Most patient with acne attending the Dermatology Department Outpatient at RIPAS Hospital reported moderate impact on their daily QoL measures, which may require attention from Healthcare professionals treating this group of patients. People suffering from acne should also seek help early from the healthcare professionals to prevent potential impairment to QoL due to acne.
Keywords: Acne vulgaris, Quality of Life, Adult, Brunei
Correspondence author: Jian Yu LEI, Pengiran Anak Puteri Rasidah Sa’adatul Bolkiah (PAPRSB), Institute of Health Sciences, Universiti Brunei Darussalam. E mail:
Brunei Int Med J. 2016; 12 (5): 164-170