A rare case of a peritoneal liposarcoma arising from the parietal peritoneum
Pei Pei ONN 1, Kai Shing KOH 1, Chean Leung CHONG, Edwin LIM 2, Vui Heng CHONG 3
1 Department of Surgery, 2 Department of Pathology and 3 Department of Medicine, RIPAS Hospital, Brunei Darussalam
Liposarcoma is a mesenchymal tumour that arises from the adipose tissue, and is most commonly found in the extremities and retroperitoneum. Its incidence peaks in the fourth to sixth decades of life. We report a rare case of a pelvic peritoneal liposarcoma that was detected incidentally by imaging in a 71-year-old man who was evaluated for lower gastrointestinal bleeding. The tumour arose from the parietal peritoneum which has not been previously reported.
Keywords: Lipoblast, neoplasm, peritoneal, liposarcoma, parietal peritoneum
Correspondence author: Vui Heng CHONG, Department of Medicine, RIPAS Hospital, Bandar Seri Begawan BA 1710, Brunei Darussalam. Tel: +6732242424 Ext 5233, E mail: chongvuih@yahoo.co.uk
Brunei Int Med J. 2015; 11 (6): 312-314