Adherence to chronic medications among patients in the Tutong district, Brunei Darussalam
Linda Yin Yin LIM
Department of Pharmacy, Pengiran Muda Pengiran Muda Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah Hospital, Tutong, Brunei Darussalam
Introduction: Poor adherence to chronic medications is a worldwide issue of striking magnitude. World Health Organisation (WHO) reported that adherence rate to chronic medications in developed countries averages 50%. This study aimed to measure the adherence rate of patients taking prescribed chronic medications in the Tutong district, Brunei Darussalam. Materials and Methods: Patients’ filling of their prescriptions were used to measure medication adherence rate. A cross-sectional, retrospective study on patients’ filling of their prescriptions was collected from their chronic prescriptions. Results: Chronic prescriptions from 800 patients were collected for data analysis. 324 patients (40.5%) were adherent to their prescribed treatment and 475 (59.5%) were non–adherent. The average number of medicines patients took in the adherent group was 5.6 and 5.07 in the non-adherent group. The average number of daily doses in the adherent group was 9.36 and in the non-adherent group was 8.68. There was no significant difference in the adherence rate for the different categories of chronic medicines. Conclusion: This is the first time a study on medication adherence was conducted in Brunei Darussalam. The information gathered will provide a baseline data on the adherence rate to chronic medications among patients in the Tutong district and gives us a better understanding of local situation. This will also be useful to measure effectiveness of future strategies and interventions employed to improve medication adherence.
Keywords: Adherence, Brunei Darussalam, chronic medications, compliance
Correspondence author: Linda YY LIM, Pharmacy Department, Pengiran Muda Mahkota Pengiran Muda Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah Hospital, Tutong, Brunei Darussalam.
Tel: + 673 8892466, E mail: lindayylim@gmail.comBrunei Int Med J. 2014; 10 (4): 186-192