An unusual case of a huge vulval swelling.


Shaheen BASHEER 1, Mary PAUL 1, Vijay JOSE 2

1 Department of Obstetric and Gynaecology, and 2 Department of OMF and Plastic Surgery, RIPAS Hospital, Brunei Darussalam.



Large vulval swellings are rarely encountered in gyneacological practice. These swellings may be cystic or solid benign masses. Large vulval tumours are uncommon. Bartholin’s gland cyst or abscess presents as vulval swelling and is usually small in size. Large swellings are unusual. We report the case of a 44-year-old unmarried lady who presented with a large painless and firm cystic swelling of the vulva of one year duration without any constitutional symptoms. The cyst was excised and was confirmed to be a chronic infective Bartholin’s cyst.


Keywords: Bartholin's cyst, Bartholin’s abscess, marsupialisation, vulval swelling, word catheter


Correspondence author: Shaheen BASHEER, Department of Obstetric and Gynaecology, RIPAS Hospital, Bandar Seri Begawan, BA 1710, Brunei Darussalam. Tel: +673-7202968. E mail:


Brunei Int Med J. 2013; 9 (4): 262-265